Raid shadow legends farming
Raid shadow legends farming

raid shadow legends farming

Stage 12-3 on the other hand drops 17,304 XP and 10,550 base Silver. Well Stage 9-4, the most efficient Warmaiden stage drops 15,600 XP and 9,250 base Silver. How much Silver and XP would you lose out on for Warmaiden because you're in Stage 9 instead of Stage 12? Furthermore you could be running Stage 6 for Common and Uncommon Speed gear which is far more useful for an early game account that would normally be after a Warmaiden than the Destroy gear that drops in Stage 9. However, for the same 8 energy you could be farming in Stage 12-3 or 12-6 for more energy and silver so every time you farm Stage 9-4 for Warmaiden you are actually losing XP and Silver in opportunity cost. BUT I AM FARMING XP AND SILVER WHEN I FARM FOR WARMAIDEN!!!!! I leave it to the individual player to decide whether using Aleksandr instead of Warmaiden is worth that energy. So the average number of energy you need to spend at 8 energy a run is 2,653 energy (best case) and 7,430 energy (worst case). Therefore the runs that you need to get the first Warmaiden and enough dupes to get a 100% AOE Def Down on a 3 turn CD is 1 / (1.5%) x (1 + 4) ≈ 332 runs (best case) and 1 / (1.5%) x (1 + 13) ≈ 929 runs (worst case). So the average number of runs it takes to get 1 Warmaiden to drop is 1 / (1.5%) ≈ 66 runs. In Brutal Campaign, she usually drops with 1% chance but those of us who know the data mine (like me) know that there's a typo in Brutal Stage 9-4 and Warmaiden drops with 1.5% chance there. Now Warmaidens are farmed in Stage 9 Deadlands of Campaign. For Warmaiden, it's 4 dupe Warmaidens (best case) and 13 dupe Warmaidens (worst case). For Aleksandr, it's 5 Legendary books (best case) and 12 Legendary books (worst case). This depends on whether you get perfect book luck (best case) or the worst case book luck. How Many Warmaidensįirstly, we should consider best and worst case scenarios to get a 3 turn 100% AOE Def Down.

raid shadow legends farming

I'm not making an opinion post about Aleksandr, I'm just stating Raid maths facts.

raid shadow legends farming

However, Warmaiden is not free from an opportunity cost perspective in terms of early game energy and food farming and here's the facts. but so's Aleksandr and you do get Legendary books for free too. "is she really free?" From a monetary perspective, yes, you get her without having to spend money in Raid.

raid shadow legends farming

I have seen a lot of comments about how S1mple / Aleksandr is a bad champion because you can farm a Warmaiden for free who does the exact same AOE Def Down 100% on a 3 turn CD.

Raid shadow legends farming